De mi realidad (YAYO YAYO YAYO) Ain't that funny? Pitbull & Ky-Mani Marley have been translated into 8 languages. Smile at the sunrise Porque así vivo feliz (YAYO YAYO YAYO) Y ahora vivo un poco más It's that simple (YAYO YAYO) (YAYO YAYO YAYO) YAYO YAYO YAYO Ya no me puedo quejar Everything will be okay Y ahora tengo mi libertad Papayo Felicidades papo Te la comiste. (Bet that up, whiteboy) (YAYO YAYO) Noooooooo (YAYO YAYO) Wake up and give Jah praise (YAYO) Y ahora tengo mi libertad Más preocupado con la verdad But this song is all about Me queda plata para un par de cervezas YAYO YAYO YAYO Escucha YAYO no tengo yo Warm feeling of the sunlight And everything will be okay YAYO no tengo yo (YAYO no tengo yo) YAYO YAYO YAYO YAYO YAYO YAYO YAYO YAYO YAYO YAYO no tengo yo The Lyrics for YAYO by Papayo feat. YAYO YAYO YAYO YAYO YAYO YAYO A disfrutar del sol y la arena YAYO YAYO YAYO Oh oh oh oh Enjoyed everywhere, The Lyrics for YAYO by Papayo feat. (YAYO YAYO YAYO) No pago mensualidad El Instagram ya lo borré del sistema YAYO YAYO YAYO YAYO no tengo yo YAYO YAYO YAYO YAYO no tengo yo (YAYO no tengo yo) Teaching the world (YAYO YAYO YAYO) (YAYO YAYO) And just know that I love all those who hate me YAYO YAYO YAYO And never pay attention to what they say YAYO YAYO YAYO (YAYO no tengo yo) (YAYO YAYO) YAYO YAYO YAYO (YAYO YAYO) (YAYO YAYO YAYO) Ohh We just gotta do it everyday (YAYO YAYO YAYO) Cambié mi carro por una bicicleta YAYO no tengo yo YAYO YAYO YAYO Nothing better than cool breeze YAYO YAYO YAYO Y ahora vivo un poco más Más preocupado con la verdad Una cancion con Ky-Mani Marley (YAYO YAYO) Yo yo yo yo Than follows and likes (YAYO YAYO) YAYO YAYO YAYO Y pa' la playa me fui (Pa' South Beach) Por estas bendiciones y esta vida (YAYO no tengo yo) (YAYO no tengo yo) YAYO no tengo yo Dale Le doy gracias a Dios todos los días There's more to life Just take it easy and live (YAYO YAYO YAYO) YAYO YAYO YAYO Pitbull & Ky-Mani Marley have been translated into 8 languages. YAYO YAYO YAYO De mi realidad YAYO YAYO YAYO That you have to live life (YAYO YAYO) YAYO YAYO YAYO (YAYO no tengo yo) (YAYO YAYO) You can make it but you can't it take with you (YAYO YAYO YAYO) YAYO YAYO YAYO (YAYO YAYO) YAYO YAYO YAYO Don't let life live you It's all about the journey, not the money (YAYO YAYO YAYO) YAYO YAYO YAYO YAYO no tengo yo, Writer(s): Armando Christian Perez, Michael Calderon, You will get 3 free months if you haven't already used an Apple Music free trial, Made with love & passion in Italy. Papayo Felicidades papo Te la comiste Una cancion con Ky-Mani Marley Noooooooo But this song is all about Teaching the world That you have to live life Don't let life live you (YAYO no tengo yo) It's that simple YAYO no tengo yo Dale YAYO YAYO YAYO (YAYO YAYO YAYO) YAYO YAYO YAYO (YAYO YAYO YAYO) YAYO YAYO YAYO (YAYO YAYO YAYO) YAYO no tengo yo (YAYO no tengo yo) Oh … Everyday above ground is a great day YAYO YAYO YAYO YAYO no tengo yo


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