Click the heart to request your favorite song! Weet je niet welke liedjes er op de radio gespeeld werden? Reliable hit music info. No matter your taste, find the top 100 songs that are right for you. Request. Top 40, de enige échte hitlijst van Nederland! We've put together the top 100 songs with the highest-ratings from our users in over 20 different genres. Check out current popular songs in Germany! Request a song on Radio Disney. Deutsche Radio Charts TOP 100: Liste der meistgewünschten Hits der Woche bei den 29 einschaltstärksten Radiosendern + den 3 meistgenutzten On Demand Services in Deutschland! Official Dutch Top 40. Gebruik onze service om het te vinden! Footer. Only the best of the best! Radio MUSIC 2020 - Top Radio Hit SONGS 2020 Music is life, that's why our hearts have beats! Change Station. Onze afspeellijst slaat een Radio 538 Top 50 songlist op van de voorbije 7 dagen. Chart of the Top 100 songs of the day. Radio Disney Radio Disney; List of the most popular songs around the world today. Weekly chart of most requested songs on German radio and on the largest on-demand services operating in Germany. Luister alle hits vanaf 1965 tot nu. Tomorrow (f. OSTON) ["JORDY"] Monster ["Shawn Mendes & Justin Bieber"] Whose Arms (f. Sofia Reyes) ["Stephen Puth"] ... Radio Disney Radio Disney Country.


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