<execution > <goals > <phase >package </phase > Maven refers to an output product that it builds For spring boot application use just following plugin. </goals > <execution > Step 2 – Run the maven build. </configuration > <executions > FatJar 又称作 uber-Jar,是包含所有依赖的 Jar 包。Jar 包中嵌入了除 java 虚拟机以外的所有依赖。我们知道 Java 的依赖分为两种, 零散的 .class 文件和把多个 .class 文件以 zip 格式打包而成 jar 文件。FatJar 是一个 all-in-one Jar 包。FatJar 技术可以让那些用于最终发布的 Jar 便于部署和运行。 <excludes > All jar / war packages can be run using java jar command, and Maven also provides MVN spring boot: run command to run applications. You configure Maven to build a Fat JAR from your project by including the Maven build phase and goal this <executions > and one extra pom.xml file named with dependency-reduced-pom.xml. <groupId >org.apache.maven.plugins </groupId > mvn clean install Demo <goals > <plugins > Maven provides other plugins using which we can generate the jar with all its dependencies which is usually called Maven FatJar, which is used as an executable Jar file. <artifactId >spring-boot-maven-plugin </artifactId > Basically, it assembles your project and its dependencies in as one jar, including not just your project jar file, but also all external dependencies as a "jar of jars", e.g. snippet from a POM file showing an example of a maven-assembly-plugin configuration: The configuration XML element inside the maven-assembly-plugin configuration contains command to startup the microservice. <executions > You can The value jar-with-dependencies tells Maven to build a JAR file with dependencies which Here is a full Maven POM file with a Fat JAR configuration, just to show you how such a POM file can look. In the relocation configuration, we can move the package to another package, by providing the shadedPattern. </plugin >, <plugin > project's POM file. <artifactId >maven-shade-plugin </artifactId > Example Create a simple project. XML element included in the top of the build XML element in the example shown earlier in As in this example we are using to … <artifactId >maven-assembly-plugin </artifactId > Let’s see what’s the difference between the two. add each JAR file your application depends on to the Docker container, you only have to add the Fat JAR of our I have a Scala project that I build into a Fat JAR. <pattern >org.sample.plexus.util </pattern > To get Maven to build a Fat JAR from your project you must include a Fat JAR build configuration in your <execution > </goals > Here is an example <configuration > MavenShadeExample-uber.jar: This is fat/uber jar … Maven Assembly Plugin Documentation . <groupId >org.springframework.boot </groupId > <groupId >org.apache.maven.plugins </groupId > <mainClass >${start-class} </mainClass > </manifest > * </exclude > <goal >single </goal > Create a Java project from the Maven quick start template. </plugin > Maven assembly plugin is not good in producing fat/uber jar, it may cause name conflict issue, it is better to use other Maven plugins like : Maven shade plugin solve this by using technique like class relocating. <goal >shade </goal > <groupId >org.apache.maven.plugins </groupId > <descriptorRefs > brief introduction. The executions XML element tells Maven which <artifactId >onejar-maven-plugin </artifactId > These Fat Jars are mostly useful to build executable jar file, for suppose, if we are developing a microservice, if we don't create fat jar file, we need to all its dependencies in one folder, add this folder to the classpath, and start the microservice, for each time we need to do these steps in manually, but if we generate the fat jar as it includes all its dependencies, not needed to add to the classpath, we can directly run the command to start the microservices. Clean-up 2) Remove the spring-boot-maven-plugin if you are using Spring Boot. </execution > <!-- put your configurations here -- > the descriptorRef which tells Maven what type of assembly this configuration should build. <goals > </goals > <phase >package </phase > There is no need to create a fat jar anymore. Maven one-jar plugin, add the dependency jar file directly into project jar, and loads it with custom class loader. My project structure looks (roughly) like this: . <goals > You can use the onejar-maven-plugin for packaging. a microservice executable.


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