The standard Java API for writing properties files produces a unique file every time, even when the same properties and values are used, because it includes a timestamp in the comments. This plugin is the exception as it does not apply the Java Plugin. You get: An automatic test task of type Test, using the test source set, An HTML test report that includes the results from all Test tasks that run, Fine-grained control over how the tests are run, The opportunity to create your own test execution and test reporting tasks. Gradle’s Java support was the first to introduce a new concept for building source-based projects: source sets. apply plugin: 'java' Java Default Project Layout Enabling Java feature preview, Example 16. You can use one of the publishing plugins to publish the JARs created by a Java project: Each instance of the Jar, War and Ear tasks has a manifest property that allows you to customize the MANIFEST.MF file that goes into the corresponding archive. You’ll discover that Gradle has a rich API for working with dependencies â one that takes time to master, but is straightforward to use for common scenarios. You might also want to create your own Javadoc tasks, for example to generate API docs for the tests: These are just two non-trivial but common customizations that you might come across. It is now deprecated, and will issue warnings when used, because it doesn’t distinguish between dependencies that impact the public API of a Java library project and those that don’t. Note that srcDirs and srcDir() are both on SourceDirectorySet. In addition, you can explore a basic, practical sample of building a Java library. This chapter explains about how to build a java project using Gradle build file. You can set up other source sets that fulfil different roles in the same way. The example in this section use the Java Library Plugin. The examples above only illustrated concepts provided by this base plugin and shared with all JVM plugins. If you’d like to dive into the detail, check out the introduction to dependency management. If you’re unsure of the difference between an API and implementation dependency, the Java Library Plugin chapter has a detailed explanation. Either way, the Java Library Plugin adds a specific Copy task for each source set that handles the processing of its associated resources. But it offers an init task to create the structure of a new Gradle project. Sometimes it can be desirable to recreate archives in a byte for byte way on different machines. Without additional parameters, this task creates a Gradle project, which contains the gradle wrapper files, a build.gradle and settings.gradle file. Processing non-source files for a source set, Example 3. Using a custom doclet with Javadoc, Example 14. Groovy, To answer that question, consider whether the sources: Need to be compiled with a unique classpath, Generate classes that are handled differently from the main and test ones. Speaking of writeTo(), you can use that to easily write a manifest to disk at any time, like so: The Java Library Plugin provides a javadoc task of type Javadoc, that will generate standard Javadocs for all your production code, i.e. By default, the Java Library Plugin provides the jar task that packages all the compiled production classes and resources into a single JAR. Furthermore, the plugin can be configured to provide the javadocJar and sourcesJar tasks to package Javadoc and source code if so desired. Other JVM language plugins, such as the one for Groovy, follow the same pattern of conventions. What if you don’t want to override the convention, but simply want to add an extra source directory, perhaps one that contains some third-party source code you want to keep separate? Historical options for the Java compiler remain available: Defines which language version of Java your source files should be treated as. These tweaks not only lead to better incremental build integration, but they also help with reproducible builds. You can also learn more about configuring tests in the DSL reference for Test. Example 1. Use the following line in build.gradle file. However the described features are shared by all JVM plugins. For example, the sources are stored in a src folder rather than in src/main/java. In the repositories section, it defines where to find the dependencies. Read on to understand which plugins fits which project type, as it is recommended to pick a specific plugin instead of applying the Java Plugin directly. The project version is also used in archive names by default. The task’s name follows the convention of processSourceSetResources â or processResources for the main source set â and it will automatically copy any files in src/[sourceSet]/resources to a directory that will be included in the production JAR. These options can be set per JavaCompile task, or on the java { } extension for all compile tasks, using properties with the same names. In particular, it uses the same default directory structure for source files and resources, and it works with Maven-compatible repositories. These tasks are of type JavaCompile, so read the task reference for an up-to-date and comprehensive list of the options. First of all we have to add java plugin to the build script because it provides tasks to compile Java source code, run unit tests, create Javadoc and create a JAR file. You can unsubscribe at any time. Compiling both your production and test code can be trivially easy if you follow the conventions: Put your production source code under the src/main/java directory, Put your test source code under src/test/java, Declare your production compile dependencies in the compileOnly or implementation configurations (see previous section), Declare your test compile dependencies in the testCompileOnly or testImplementation configurations, Run the compileJava task for the production code and compileTestJava for the tests. As far as configurations go, the main ones of interest are: compileOnly â for dependencies that are necessary to compile your production code but shouldn’t be part of the runtime classpath, implementation (supersedes compile) â used for compilation and runtime, runtimeOnly (supersedes runtime) â only used at runtime, not for compilation, testCompileOnly â same as compileOnly except it’s for the tests, testImplementation â test equivalent of implementation, testRuntimeOnly â test equivalent of runtimeOnly. Setup the Java Project. Each logical group typically has its own sets of file dependencies, classpaths, and more. You can see how these relate to one another in this diagram: The shaded boxes represent properties of the source set itself. To start the build, type the following command on the command line. But it means that your build script only needs the information that is specific to your project. With the usage of Java toolchains, this can be done as follows: The only requirement is that Java 7 is installed and has to be either in a location Gradle can detect automatically or explicitly configured. Defines the minimum JVM version your code should run on, i.e. The task supports the core Javadoc and standard doclet options described in the Javadoc reference documentation. How you package and potentially publish your Java project depends on what type of project it is. A Java platform represents a set of dependency declarations and constraints that form a cohesive unit to be applied on consuming projects. This JAR is also automatically built by the assemble task. Gradle now supports this release flag on CompileOptions directly for Java compilation. Changing the classpath of compile tasks, Declaring Dependencies between Subprojects, Understanding Configuration and Execution, Understanding Library and Application Differences, Producing and Consuming Variants of Libraries, Modeling Feature Variants and Optional Dependencies, Declaring your source files via source sets, a location Gradle can detect automatically, Java properties files and reproducible builds. All of the specific JVM plugins are built on top of the Java Plugin. This is a common convention in Gradle: setting a property replaces values, while the corresponding method appends values. Usually, a Java project has a version and a target JRE on which it is compiled. In this section, we will focus on the bare bones provided by the Java Library Plugin. Most language plugins, Java included, automatically create a source set called main, which is used for the project’s production code. This is necessary for projects like The Java Library Plugin has historically used the compile configuration for dependencies that are required to both compile and run a project’s production code. The platform has no source and no artifact of its own. As there is a lot to cover when it comes to testing, the topic has its own chapter in which we look at: How to run a subset of tests via filtering, How to configure test reporting and add your own reporting tasks, How to make use of specific JUnit and TestNG features. Gradle already makes this scenario part of its Java convention, but what if you have other sets of sources? Scala and Create a directory structure as shown in the below screenshot. Core Gradle, though, only directly supports traditional Servlet-based web applications deployed as WAR files. SourceSets can be used to specify a different project structure. src/main/java contains the Java source code. This source set is used by the test task, which runs the tests. it determines the version of byte code the compiler generates. This option takes precedence over the properties described below. The question then becomes: when should you define a custom source set? Gradle uses a convention-over-configuration approach to building JVM-based projects that borrows several conventions from Apache Maven. Gradle’s WriteProperties task generates exactly the same output byte-for-byte if none of the properties have changed. Otherwise, the dependency is an internal implementation detail and should be added to implementation. Since version 9, the Java compiler can be configured to produce bytecode for an older Java version while making sure the code does not use any APIs from a more recent version. Jcenter is for resolving your dependencies. See the plugin’s chapter for more details and configuration options. If you’re unsure whether to create a custom source set or not, then go ahead and do so. You can see a complete example for setting up integration tests in the Java testing chapter. By default, Gradle will compile Java code to the language level of the JVM running Gradle.
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