Let’s say you want to display the mobile menu at around 1024px instead of 980px. As for the admin bar question, I did not make modifications to accommodate that. This is a huge oversight on their part in my opinion and I find it pretty much impossible to believe that this fell through… Now I’m going to shorten the menu item label “Information Elements” to “Information”. Is there any easy way to offset this? Thanks! If I only use one section for the secondary and primary menu will the code work the same way? Thanks. That’s great to hear, Jurrie! Thanks! After all, at least for some users, the credibility of your site depends on it. That could be a bug in theme builder. .hideitem I get the menu looking just right for desktop and then you check it on a tablet (especially an iPad Pro) and the logo is overlapping the menu and some of the links have jumped down one line. Another simple solution to your problem is to use the theme customizer settings to adjust the default Logo Max Height, Text Size, or Font options. So, there is a deeper level of customization you can do if you want to make even more adjustments. position: fixed; // This keeps the header fixed. Normally I wouldn’t suggest making your navigation menu fullwidth unless I was making the rest of my site fullwidth as well. Any ideas on how to fix that to not “jump up” when it hits the threshold? They have already mentioned that a new and robust feature is coming to the builder that will allow you to make any Divi section, row, or module sticky. This is great and fixed my issue, thank you. What is a Paywall and When Should You Use One? padding-top: 60px!important; Did you try the second method with Javascript? I know, right? Maybe I can address it. As we continue our Divi Menu Module series, we are going to focus on the dropdown submenu for the next several tutorials.With this tutorial, you will be able to style and customize the Divi menu module dropdown submenu and change things like the colors, border, spacing, hover effects, and more! Hi Andy, yes I believe that should work just fine. Tim, Is it also possible to show the header only after scrolling? Is there some css for that? Your email address will not be published. if(document.getElementById(“wpadminbar”)){document.getElementById(“divi-sticky-header”).style.top=”32px”;}. I’ll try and give it a test later. Been figuring this out for some while and now I see where I went wrong. Posted on November 26, 2020 by Randy A. One-Page-Seite = Menü läuft über Anker. You may be able to get away with changing something like “About Us” to “About” or vice versa to make those small adjustments. My issue with just fixing the header was there was a padding issue when using the fixed header that you had to add padding to every single page or else your content went above the menu by about 50-100px. 3. I’m calling mine “nudge”. And it is a simple fix as well. They are not sticky and have an 80px white space above them. Unfortunately none of the codes is working for my site. I have two sections in my header. #top-menu {display: block;} I wish it wasn’t that important, but since the navigation is normally at the top of every page of your site, it is the thing that is visible first on every page. There’s definitely a lot of controls and settings that still need to be added in order to do everything you described with built in options and no custom code. Yeah this blog post actually has both tutorials/videos inside the post depending on whether you want to make the whole header or only part of it fixed. I love the centered logo fix! Thanks for this. Can you be more specific as to what the jumping header problem is. So in that case, the logo would still be left or right aligned, but from a certain width down the menu wouldn’t be adjacent to it but right under it, without breaking up over multiple lines. #et_mobile_nav_menu { You’re a BOSS You need to get a few things right if you want the logo to be centered on the page. But, this can get a little frustrating if you are a perfectionist (I can have my moments of it. Great article! Then enter a CSS class into the CSS Classes input box. , Instead of making the “hamburger” appear at larger breakpoints, how can you stop it from appearing on smaller break points (phone & tablet)? ET support gave us a CSS patch to prevent the logo from enlarging and overlapping the menu when the menu changes to two rows. You’re welcome! .et_non_fixed_nav.et_transparent_nav.et_show_nav #page-container, .et_fixed_nav.et_show_nav #page-container { So let’s look at four solutions to this problem. Tablets: between 768px and 980px However, if you’re creating a custom header with Divi 4,0’s new theme builder, then there is currently no built in option to make it stick automatically. This should give you the last nudge you need to get things all centered. Or 2) use Divi’s responsive settings to change padding/sizing/etc to resize elements on mobile. Have added a .hideitem class to the menu item and using this media query: @media screen and (min-width: 980px) and (max-width: 1600px) Erstaunlicherweise steht hier auch bei deutschsprachigen Menüs die englische Bezeichnung „Customizer“. This solution may be all you need to get the logo where you want it. If you’re website design calls for either the slide in or fullscreen styles, then your responsive menu is pretty much foolproof since the mobile navigation hamburger icon is used to trigger the menu on all screen sizes. Go to Theme Customizer > Additional CSS and enter the following: This media query does two things. It works on every page but my shop category archive pages. 1 License. Is this the only option? Now he works full time as a content creator for Elegant Themes where he enjoys contributing blog posts, tutorials and documentation about all things Divi. Thank you Tim, this tutorial is very helpful 100% The point at which these adjustments are made is what we call breakpoints. max-height: 50%!important; Styling The Divi Submenu Understanding The Divi Submenu Structure. Once that is set up, when I click on “Weddings” it no longer links to anything (I want it to link to the top of the Weddings page). If you are committed to perfecting your main navigation menu on ALL screen sizes, chances are you will need to use customize your menu using media queries and adjust certain breakpoints. Great tutorial, I already made some fine sticky headers with it! Awesome as usual. It can be done with some Javascript, but I’ll have to create another tutorial for that . This solution is probably the best option because it allows you to have the most control over your menu at certain breakpoints. Especially the last part about the Centered Inline Logo Menu I like a lot. – On desktop size you get inline centered logo and centered text-based menu. These breakpoints also modifies the appearance of the back top top button and the right dot navigation (removed on phone size). Thanks for this great post. Each month we showcase the best Divi websites that were submitted from our community and today we want to share with you the top ten websites for the month of... Posted on November 24, 2020 by Jason Champagne in Divi Resources. But will only work in short menus, 4 items in the example. I’m looking forward to giving this a try with Divi Bars within the next week. This was the first thing I was looking for when 4.0 dropped , You’re welcome! For example, my menu has: I believe so. Most of the time it is the first thing your users will see and engage with on every page of your site. Thanks for watching and always being so encouraging . If you have more text on one side, the logo will be off by a little bit. Thanks Greg! Any ideas? Personally, I think Divi … Maybe something like “Making the responsive menu behave in Divi”? I understand how that could be confusing. This is for pre-sales questions only. Maybe there is a solution along these lines? }, @media only screen and (min-width: 981px){ I just can’t be throwing the word “fix” around these parts :). I was wondering if there is any way to stop that from happening. Glad you found it helpful. Try Out The Drag & Drop Page Builder for FREE! So it is important to get it right. Step 2: Within the Divi Theme Builder, open the header you’d like to customize, and add the divi-sticky-header CSS ID to the custom CSS ID input field for the section/row you’d like to make sticky. I’m sure there are more problems and solutions out there I didn’t address in this post. Thanks! }, This does nothing and does not change the breakpoint, please test this again im using the latest Divi build and this code does not change the breakpoint. Of course, the header would get a little higher as well – or, alternatively, the logo could shrink a little so as not to increase header height. They mentioned that they would have liked to have this feature ready for 4.0, but the theme builder was ready first and wanted to get it out to customers. Thanks. If you are committed to perfecting your main navigation menu on ALL screen sizes, chances are you will need to use customize your menu using media queries and adjust certain breakpoints. Divi support told me to use a plugin. Is there a piece of code which prevents the mobile menu from increasing in size? P.S: I haven’t tried it myself just yet, but should there be additional CSS to change the padding depending on whether you’re logged in or not? It works awesome once I adjusted the height in the script. I hope you found this tutorial helpful! In this article, we’ll look at 10 amazing Divi … .et-fixed-header #logo { Home, About, Weddings, Contact. Next look for the “Header & Navigation” panel. Thanks again for your insightful information to make using Divi a better experience. Just thought I’d mention that from the post title, I expected a post about fixing the mobile menu in space (i.e. It still doesn’t hide it on my desktop and laptop. Posted on July 31, 2017 by Jason Champagne in Divi Resources | 35 comments. . One of the great things about Divi is that it is built on a fluid grid layout that uses media queries (compartmentalized CSS) to adjust the style of your site for different screen sizes. No hamburger icon needed to hide it. You’re welcome! And what separates good sites from great sites are the small details. document.getElementById(“divi-sticky-header”).style.transition = “all .5s”; Second, I checked for the admin bar and adjusted the height. It hides the regular menu and it displays the mobile menu at the 1024px breakpoint. like the fixed header is nailed to the top of the screen). It is great! Das Plugin "Divi Builder" kannst du auch auf Themes nutzen, die nicht von Elegant Themes sind. I see the first reply above. Step 1: Add the CSS ID and CSS Class to the SECTION of your Header Template Layout. Could anybody tell me, where in the script and how exactly I have to add “document.getElementById(“divi-sticky-header”).style.transition = “all .5s”;” to add a transition? Sorry for the confusing Alan. } Hey Divi Nation! { display:none; !important;} Im Administrationsbereich ist ebenfalls ein Eintrag unter „Design“ zu finden. The World's #1 WordPress Theme & Visual Page Builder. , Awesome! So I think that’s the issue you’re facing because position: fixed does work on iOS devices. – At phone breakpoint removes the logo and makes the menu looks like an app (centered on top with icons). #et_mobile_nav_menu { @media (max-width: 1200px) { You’re spot on! I like the idea to add a transition to the section. And you also probably know that Divi does not have a fixed menu for tablet and mobile. But it might be something we’re stuck with until ET releases the sticky update. I created a little video to show you what I’m referring to: https://www.loom.com/share/3e50d9300aaf4758b4e16a504a961144 Please let me know if there is a way to address the jumping sticking row. I want the top to stay and only move logo and menu rows as sticky. I don’t have that available yet, but I will definitely look into it! We had no trouble with our logo and menu until the Divi 2.4 release, which caused a whole bunch of problems. How can i take the logo on the left corner and menu on the right??? If you are using the centered style, you have more room for you menu items to breathe, but if you still need some more room, you can use the same custom solutions we used for the default style to get it looking the way you want. Have been experimenting with it a little, but so far to no avail. Divi makes building websites fun and easy. Z.B. The location you were on the page becomes the card. Here is Divi’s default CSS for your menu items: Let’s say you want your menu font size to be 18px by default but you want it to change to 14px at a certain breakpoint. }}, @media only screen and (min-width: 1032px){ I caught Craig Longmuir’s post earlier but appreciate your modifications. Creating a responsive navigation menu that looks great on all screen sizes can be difficult. That’s awesome! Here are the general ranges for each of the breakpoints within Divi: Large Desktop: 1405px and above I’ll play with the adjustments that you suggest for correcting this problem. It would be really nice to add to it or create a post on how to add mobile menu location to divi. Awesome, glad it was helpful! Believe me.) #logo { , Thanks a lot for this tutorial! Still found it useful though! I just have a question: I increased the height my menu area so my logo could be big enough before scroll, now I would like to shrink its size during scroll, is it something possible to achieve? The power is in being able to make custom headers and assign them to certain areas of the site. But i have some very big cons on new theme builder… Why i cant make hamburger menu icon instead of classic menu on desktop? I’m glad you liked it. (I saw it happen in your video tutorial). I hope this post will help “nudge” you in the right direction (sorry couldn’t help myself :)). The problems fixed in this post are due to Divi bugs. Thanks, Tim! Reading on phone so can’t get full grasp but will try out tomorrow. display: none; The Divi Black Friday 2020 Sale Starts Now! I’ve tried this code: It’s that time again for our monthly Divi Showcase, where we take a look at ten amazing Divi websites made by our community members. Please disregard my post. Nice tips. Es gibt sehr viele Divi-Kunden. Everything that was possible before Divi 4.0 is still fully available. Do you mean the increase size from the columns stacking on mobile? (I’m using the same ET #5 pack). First you need to have an even number of menu items so the the middle logo remains the centerpiece. #top-menu li, #top-menu li a { .et_non_fixed_nav.et_transparent_nav #main-header, .et_non_fixed_nav.et_transparent_nav #top-header, .et_fixed_nav #main-header, .et_fixed_nav #top-header { @media only screen and (max-width: 981px) { https://www.loom.com/share/3e50d9300aaf4758b4e16a504a961144. Second, I’m noticing that the sticking portion of the header jumps. But I am not familiar with jQuery. To be clear, if you don’t want to use the new header builder in Divi 4.0, the previous header will continue to work with the built in fixed option. padding-bottom:12px; Smartphones and small Tablets: between 320px and 768px; Thanks for the fix. Are you telling me NO ONE in their beta test requested this? To do this you would need to insert some custom CSS inside a media query to override the default styling in Divi. If you’re a newbie, “fixed” means that the menu sticks to the top of the screen when you scroll so you have easy access to the other pages on the site. If you want your entire header to stick, then watch the first tutorial and the corresponding code that goes with it. I noticed that this is only for the divi theme but how about a generic theme with the divi builder plugin? Divi Life is independently owned and operated by. Standard Desktop: between 1100px and 1405px }}. . To begin customizing your website’s Header & Navigation, you must first enter the Theme Customizer by clicking on the Divi > Theme Customizerlink within your WordPress Dashboard. font-size: 14px; Brown in Divi Resources. I often like to have a custom menu for mobile devices where certain pages/ link show up first and others don’t show at all. First, I’m writing this comment in March 2020. Looks interesting. And you also probably know that Divi does not have a fixed menu for tablet and mobile. position:fixed won’t work on apple devices. @media (max-width: 1024px) { The five styles include Default (the one already addressed in this post) Slide-in, Fullscreen, Centered, and Centered Inline Logo. Thank you!! Are you talking about having a separate menu for mobile? I appreciate the kind words . width: 200px; /*change this to adjust the size*/ I added two small additions. } I believe that should be added in the future. This CSS will adjust the menu under the logo on the left between 1200px and 768px screen sizes: Haha, great! Falls du gerne eine Videoeinführung zu dem Thema sehen möchtest. A hamburger menu icon takes the place of the icon in the upper right of the card. Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf die Streifenkomponente und wählen Sie in dem angezeigten Menü Streifen fixieren aus. But, if you would like to avoid any weird menu line breaks, you change the breakpoint to a different value. by Tim Strifler | Oct 21, 2019 | Divi Tutorials | 68 comments, The most common question that keeps coming up again and again with Divi 4.0’s new Theme Builder is, “How can I make my header fixed or sticky?”. Thanks for the post. So fügen Sie das Divi … On the other side when scrolling is less than the threshold, I set the above properties back to 0. if(document.getElementById(“wpadminbar”)){document.getElementById(“divi-sticky-header”).style.top=”0px”;}, I’m not a javascript guru though, my hack is not ideal coding practices , You’re welcome! Mit dem Vollbild-Menü-Modul von Divi können Sie ganz einfach schöne, farbenfrohe Überschriften oben auf Ihren Seiten hinzufügen (oder auf Wunsch überall auf Ihrer Website). Thanks a heap for this tutorial. A broken looking menu can leave a bad first impression. From the wordpress dashboard go to Appearance > Menus and make sure you have CSS Classes checked off in the Screen Options area. The menu is always visible, fixed on the top. Can anyone please suggest a solution? Shrinking on scroll would require a bit of javascript. For fixing the header (mobile & tablet), please add the following css to Additional CSS column under Theme Customizer. haha! I used Tutorial #2 because I have a logo above my menu that I figured I could just hide and leave the menu sticky. Why would “Additional CSS” not show at the bottom of the Theme Customizer? Thanks so much for the kind words Michael! } I’m having a problem with the ventered inline logo menu since the logo overlaps with the menu items on some screen sizes. Lastly, the centered inline logo style header is a bit tricky to get right from the start. The particular site I was adjusting was stuck back at WordPress 4.6.1 and Additional CSS was added to WordPress from 4.7 on. I frequently remove the patch to see if the bug has been fixed by subsequent Divi releases, but at 3.0.65 the bug is still there and I had to put back the patch. Step 2: Add the following CSS to your Divi Theme Options (or wherever you prefer to add custom CSS): If you’d like to only make part of your Divi header sticky at the top of the screen, then use this method and tutorial here. This includes creating amazing menu designs. I was so frustrated by this issue. I actually talked to Divi support to try to solve this and as of December 20th, level 2 Divi support got back to me saying they are still working on the sticky headers. You’re welcome Jon!! I am however finding that scroll to anchor links doesn’t accomodate the size of the header so the top x pixels disappear behind the header. Video Grundeinstellungen. One little typo: “on it’s way” should be “on its way”. Divi’s default header has a built in option to make the header or nav menu fixed on scroll. } And you’re very welcome . }. This is a great help for me and will be on my list of default Divi fixes for most of my sites. Why can’t ET fix its Divi bugs instead of publishing workarounds for them? But if you want just part of your header to be sticky (while the rest continues to scroll) then watch tutorial 2. We actually have two tutorials, and depending on what you want to stick will depend on what tutorial to watch. I’ll have to look more closely at it. This creates a smooth transition when adjusting the screen size on desktop and allows you to keep your default navigation on large tablets and small laptops. Why not set the font size in the menu in em, %, vh?…. One of the great things about Divi is that it is built on a fluid grid layout that uses media queries (compartmentalized CSS) to adjust the style of your site for different screen sizes. But sometimes it’s a good compromise to make if it means your navigation menu looks great on all devices. Thanks a lot Tim for this tutorial. A couple of questions. Thanks! .et_non_fixed_nav.et_transparent_nav.et_show_nav #page-container, .et_fixed_nav.et_show_nav #page-container { Been playing around with it and appreciate the learning. . Go to Theme Customizer > Header & Navigation > Primary Menu Bar and select Make Full Width. I’ve got that down, but when I click on the “main” menu item, it goes nowhere. Jason started a career in education before co-founding a web agency specializing in Divi websites. The point at which these adjustments are made is what we call breakpoints. Browser-Kompatibilität: Divi … Now look at how the logo shifts more to the center. I’ve tried many workarounds, and can’t seem to make anything work. Preview 110+ Premade Websites & 880+ Premade Layouts. I believe I’ve found the issue. This method uses javascript, but is fairly easy. I look forward to hearing from you. – At tablet breakpoint the logo remains on the left and right aligned icon-based menu. Hover over a card and it rises slightly. When I use the following script in my menu and look at my mobile header, when scrolling down the menu jumps to twice its size. Do you mean changing it from transparent to non-transparent on scroll? Black Friday 2020 is Here with 16 Epic New Products! . Now, I did show this to one of my site testers and they couldn’t see what the heck I was talking about, but I definitely do see it. Then toggle open the menu item you would like to target. There are five header styles to choose from within Divi’s Theme Customizer (not counting vertical navigation). Im Adminbereich im Bereich der Einstellungen für „Divi“ ist eben… } Other’s size values may be different depending on their menu width etc. Second, the amount of text you use for each menu item will determine the centerpoint of the logo. I plan on covering how to customize the fullscreen and slidein menus in the future. Thanks for this awesome tutorial – wish I would have found it sooner! Excellent post. Does not seem to function. But for the default menu style with the logo on the left and the menu links to the right, things can easily get shuffled around on smaller screen sizes, especially when you have too many links crowding the header. Inhaltsverzeichnis auf einer Seite mit langem Text; Gerne zeige ich Dir wie Du dies mit Divi* umsetzen kannst. Unlimited Websites. This makes it stick to the top of the screen when the user scrolls, to all the important navigation menu links are right within reach. Diese Module können nur in Abschnitten voller Breite platziert werden. Step 3: Add a code module in the header template, and add the following code: That’s it! . Some of the techniques I knew about, but I picked up a few new little snippets that will be helpful in the future. Step 1: Add the following CSS to your Divi Theme Options custom CSS box (or to your custom Divi Child Theme style.css). } I will try to be clearer next time. Also, Elegant Themes has made it clear that a new feature is on its way that will allow you to make any section/row/module sticky, and this will give you everything you need and more to make your header stick to the top of the screen. So thanks for making such a great tutorial so quickly , You’re very welcome! I spent about an hour searching for something that was no longer there Verkaufsseite = Button kaufen springt weiter nach unten zum Verkaufsformular. Fixed. Any way to handle this? Regardless, this is a genius fix for now, and I super appreciate the time you spent figuring this awesome fix out! Would you please help me!! So helpful! } I am trying to hide a menu item from desktop and laptop, and display on mobile and tablets only. But what I was really hoping for, was more of a solution like the menu sliding under the logo, when the menu gets too wide for the available space. Awesome job. This makes it stick to the top of the screen when the user scrolls, to all the important navigation menu links are right within reach. Thank you, kind sir! I like the idea of creating a app like menu for mobile. Does any one know if the feature for “section/row/module sticky (not just headers)” is now available in divi theme builder. Under weddings, I have Pricing, Services, Locations, and Tips. Thanks! If you want to make part of your header sticky, then scroll down. On a slightly similar note… Is there any way to het the header to stay fixed to the top of the screen on tablet and mobile devices, like how it does on desktop? I think the consistency in design is important. Hi Tim, appreciate the tutorial! Thanks for the video! Notice how the logo is off centered a little bit in the menu compared to the centered logo in the header section. If you're a product owner, please open a ticket. Thanks for addressing this, Tim! Yeah I’m not aware of a fix for that. It’s definitely the most common question I’ve been seeing since 4.0 , Thank you Patrick! I’m in the middle of building a large site and I’m using anchors to jump to various places on some of the pages. The good thing though is that the theme builder and the custom headers are completely optional. 2. Let me make my case. Personally, I think Divi should have a fixed nav menu for mobile by default as well. Just remove the first line and the last line of the code. If you’re a newbie, “fixed” means that the menu sticks to the top of the screen when you scroll so you have easy access to the other pages on the site. Tim, Feel free to leave comments with any questions! Thanks for amazing tip. Divi Design Showcase: New Submissions from November 2020, How to Create a Sticky Promo Video with a Show/Hide Toggle in Divi, Get a FREE Bike Repair Layout Pack for Divi.


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