If you want to dig into Discord Markdown even further and learn some more tips/tricks, then these are a few very helpful resources you can’t miss. They explained there needed to be three ”’ But for reasons they wrote “‘. I get the colour, but the @mention is not done. There are some limitations to this method. Hex Color and RGB Code for Neon green, with Hex Code #39FF14 and RGB code 57, 255, 20 Anyways, that’s enough yapping from me — let’s get coloring! It’s a library called Highlight.js. Contact Us | Privacy Policy | TOS | All Rights Reserved, You can use “diff” with a hyphen at the beginning of your text to get the entire sentence red, and also the “md” with the hashtag before the text will give you the entire sentence blue. German: Shift+[+] (key right of Ü)Spanish: Shift+[+] (key right of `^ (Spain) or ´¨ (Latin America))French (France): * (key right of ù%)French (Belgium): Shift+$ (key right of ^¨)French (Switzerland): Shift+3Italian: Shift+[+] (key right of èé)Swedish: Shift+’ (key right of Ä). Disclaimer: Some pages on this site may include an affiliate link. ), and you’ll learn how to type out text in boxes and code blocks — in color! This was most helpful and well-written. If you have anything else appearing anywhere else (e.g. I’d recommend using the DIFF, BASH, FIX, and CSS highlighting above (for red, green, yellow, and blue respectively). This is a three-line block of text with your text as the middle block. It walks you through Markdown step by step with both instructions and live output of what your text will look like. Then type the third line and hit Enter, and the entire block will be sent at once and will display your text. If you look closely, you’ll notice I did include some variables and mentioned that you can’t have spaces if you choose to use those formatting methods. Here we make the assumption of the asterisk being “Shift + 8” and the tilde being “Shift + Backtick (`)”, but this isn’t always the case. Try different symbols to make your text appear different: For more information on this, check out Highlight.js.org or join the Discord server Discord Highlight.js. Again, the asterisk (star) is SHIFT+8 on your keyboard. Doing all that formatting stuff is cute, but why do I have to give up having stars for that? Another way is to directly enter the code block into the Discord chat engine line by line. Well, since we’re exploiting syntax highlighting to highlight our Discord messages, we’re basically trying to make the multiline code block think that our message is literal programming code. For example, using bash, I can make text blue with “text”, but the quotations show up in the final post. Please somebody tell me how to get back the stars! No, that’s not possible. 3 of them are : Here’s what I wrote for the example below: Just like the single line code block, multi-line code blocks also use the backtick (“`) character. We can do this by including the highlighting programming language reference right at the beginning of the multiline code block. Instead of only one or two asterisks, it’s three asterisks. Is there a way to have just one word in a sentence colored red? RGB. Hi! + Test I tried to include code comments and strings in each of the colors below as frequently as possible (to make it easy to type out). The only keys you have to remember are Underscores, Asterisks (Stars), and Backslashes. Now, I want to make it clear that Discord doesn’t have true full-text highlighting. Here’s what I typed to get the result shown in the image below: You might’ve been able to guess the markdown for Bold + Italics by now…. In this article, I’m going to show you how to get bold colors in your Discord text chats. Copyright © 2020 WriteBots. Numbers appear in blue and ‘and’ appears in green. I just used this guide to make some grey text! I’m going to show you how to bold, italicize, underline, and strikethrough text as a starting point. Note: This dark green color and quotation marks around your text also works in a bunch of other reference languages, not only “bash”. The most common limitation being, your text has to be connected in one word in some referenced syntax highlighting languages (not all!). > to make a slight indent type thing infront of one line. You could go to the *edit* option next to your comment, and copy if from there?


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